Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Net Neutrality, 61% Of Americans Know What It Is.

Six in ten internet users (61%) are able to correctly identify the phrase “Net Neutrality” as referring to equal treatment of digital content by internet service providers.
May be you think you know, check it out at Pew Research, Take the quiz, and read about it.
Pew Research.

Verizon Will Not Sue, If Returned To Weak NetNeutrality Rules Without Utility Rules!

Joker from Wikia.
Some time other than jokers make you laugh. Looks like Verizon is backtracking in a hurry and may also be hoping that we will not notice. Verizon originally sued FCC bringing us to the current title II debate. FCC issued rules preventing Internet service providers from blocking or discriminating against traffic by relying on Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act in 2010. Verizon sued and won. Due to the lawsuit by Verizon, Federal Appeals court decided that FCC could not issue what amounted to common carrier rules without first reclassifying broadband service as a utility, similar to the traditional phone network. Now Verizon wants to go back to the original.
So as now FCC is getting on track to make  title II happen. Even if Verizon's users forgive them, I doubt big boys like AT&T and Comcast will. Hope the ex parte letter could be used in the next law suit.
More at ARS

USPTO Grants Apple 25 New Patents, Covering Cellular Mac book and Camera stabilization

Apple patents
Apple has received 25 New Patents Covering Camera Stabilization, Cellular MacBook and 23 more. Also granted was a SIRI like application dating far back as 2003, that would work with phone, iPod and a car.
The rest is in the image below and you can check them at USPTO or PatentlyApple.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Advanced Wireless Services-3 (AWS-3) Spectrum Auction Reaches $36 Billion,

AWS-3 Auction
And it is not over yet. companies like AT&T, Dish, Verizon and T-Mobile continue to up each other for two blocks in the 1695-1710 megahertz band, and four paired sets of frequencies at 1755-1780 and 2155-2180 megahertz. The reserve for the auction was $10.587 Billion.
The last auction for 700MHz, reached $18.96 Billion in 2008.
More info at FCC.

FreeSWITCH Maintenance Release, 1.4.14 Available For Download

A routine maintenance release of FreeSWITCH, FreeSWITCH 1.4.14 has been released by the FreeSWITCH team.
The improvements includes support for logging full timestamps with dialplan, being able mod_http_cache to S3 services other than Amazon.
There are new configuration parameter, add-variables-to-offer, addition of `connect-timeout` option for curl API command, allow setting CURL timeout from curl API command , respecting umask when creating new files in mod_sndfile , support for additional curl auth methods in mod_curl , fifo_position macro, improvement of accuracy in timerfd implementation , and the removal of support SSLv2/3 from mod_rayo due to security concerns.

For a complete list of improvements, additions and bug fixes, please refer to FreeSWITCH news article.
For downloading and installing, please visit FreeSWITCH confluence. I just run "Yum install freeswitch", I use CentOS.

Dreams Do Come True, Skype Proposal

Skype Proposal,

A proposal, offered via Skype, wonder acceptance and tears of joy, All with a single Skype call, captured by Mandey

Asus Zenwatch, Elegant Android Wear!

Asus Zenwatch, Elegant Android Wear

There are many smart watches in the market today and some people are still searching for that perfect match. The Android based smart watches are aplenty but just like regular Chronographs, personal styles differ. 
So enter the new Android Wear device, from Asus, Zenwatch. It has a nicely curved stainless steel body which hugs your wrist with the aid of stitched leather strap. The curve also extend to the glass protecting the face, Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3, making it easier for gestures. The ZenWatch helps keep track of time and other smarty stuff and it will also keep track of your heart rate, step count, and even relaxation levels with a unique set of sensors.
The ASUS ZenWatch is $199.99 and is available for sale at Google Play and Best Buy.
    Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 1.2GHz
    Operating System Android Wear
    Memory 512 MB RAM
    Storage 4GB eMMC Flash
    Display AMOLED 1.63" 320x320,278ppi Touch Display
    Sensor 9 Axis Sensor/Bio sensor
    Bluetooth V4.0
    USB Ports Micro USB on Charging Cradle
    Audio Built-in microphone
    Battery Polymer 1.4Wh
    Features Cover Lens : 2.5D curved Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3
    Water Resistance : IP55
    Color Silver and rose gold color layering
    Dimensions 51 x 39.9 x 7.6 ~ 9.4 mm (LxWxH)
    Weight Body : 50g Strap : 25g

Devices and Activity Dashboard, A New Security Aid From Google.

is a new dashboard, Devices and Activity dashboard, which provides you with a full rundown of all the Google enabled devices that  accessed to your Google account during the last 28 days. If you have old devices that you do not want to have access to your Google account, could be removed from them right from the dashboard itself. There is also capability to take action, if there is any funny business is going on.
The dashboard is comprehensive and provide the device, name, the last time the device accessed the account as well as the model / model number of the device, in case you forgot what they are.
It should be a great help for sys admins who use Google for work.

In addition, Google is also launching Security Wizard so people can check their accounts for any slack in security;

We are also launching the security wizard for Google for Work accounts. The security wizard guides users through steps they can take to turn on or adjust security features, like providing contact info for account recovery (if the domain security policy allows it), or reviewing recent account activity and account permissions. Plus, it only takes minutes for users to update their settings. This tool prioritizes all administrator settings for security features that end users are permitted to turn on. Access the wizard at g.co/accountcheckup.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Latest Droids And Moto X Gets MAterial Design Styling For Camera And Galery

Motorola Material design update

Motorola  has updated camera app and the Galery have been updated with some Material styling. The color of the apps has been changed from the old Holo blue to the new Material teal. Motorola also added a timer mode and a new feature to twist the device to Moto X and latest model Droids that allows switch between the front and rear camera.
If you like to update, visit Play Store.

Protect Your Camera From WebCan Hackers

Now you have seen all the news about hackers posting online live streaming from thousands of webcams all around the world, with USA, Europe having the largest number of  webcams hacked.
So if you have a webcam and to make sure that it will not be streaming for public entertainment, follow these simple rules. Curtsey of FTC.

Keep the software up-to-date. 

The software that comes with your camera needs occasional updates. Register your camera or sign up to get updates to keep the software current. Before you install your new camera, visit the manufacturer’s website to see if there’s a new version of the software available for download. And after you’ve installed the camera, download the updates as soon as you get notice.

Check your camera’s password settings. 

Some IP cameras allow you to turn off the camera’s password requirement. But unless you want to share the feeds from your camera publicly, don’t do it. Set up your IP camera to require a password. Check the camera’s user guide for directions. 

Use a strong password.

Choose a strong password that would be difficult for a stranger to guess rather than using the camera’s default username and password. Those default choices can be public knowledge.

After that, if you are checking your cameras remotely.
Before you access your camera from a phone or mobile device, be sure that the security features are in place for mobile access.

Confirm that your app is up-to-date.  

Check the app developer’s website, or use your mobile app marketplace to check for updates.

Practice secure access.

Use a strong password, and consider logging out of the app when you’re not using it. That way, no one else can access the app if your phone is lost or stolen. 

Password-protect your phone or mobile device. 

Even if your app has a strong password, it’s best to protect your phone with one, too.

Use a secure Wi-Fi connection. 

A camera’s mobile app might not provide the same level of security as its website. So, even if your camera uses https on its website, that doesn’t guarantee that the camera’s mobile app will use encryption, too.
If the mobile app doesn’t encrypt your information, and you use the mobile app on an unsecured Wi-Fi network, troublemakers could intercept your video feed or your password. To protect your privacy, resist using the mobile app from a public Wi-Fi hotspot. Instead, use your phone’s internet browser and go to your camera’s login page. Look for https at the beginning of the URL so you know your information is encrypted.
It’s also a good idea to change the settings on your mobile device so that it doesn’t automatically connect to nearby Wi-Fi.

On Guard Online (onguardonline.gov)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Google App, Gets Material Design - OK Google!

OK Google you got me!

If you got an Android device running android Lollipop, you will notice that the Google App is a bit, no a lot spiffier! Yes, Google is rolling out Material Design to search, with bold colors, fluid animations and simplified layouts.
Ok, Google! Yes I am sure you have seen the ad, and tried it with your phone :). Yes you can, if you have a Nexus 6, Nexus 9 or Samsung Galaxy Note4, now you can set up your phone so you can say “Ok Google” to ask a question even if your screen is off and your phone is unplugged. Like as goole say when your both hands are full and need some answers and you only have your Android near you!

Another feature with Google app and OK Google is that now it can help you search for exactly what you need—even if it’s in another app.
This now works with a number of apps, so you can also research the best Maui hotels on TripAdvisor, listen to your jam on TuneIn, find a dream home on Trulia, or get tips on how to carve a turkey on YouTube
 With the new reminder feature, you can also rely more and more on the Google app to help you organize your life: you may notice a new card asking if you want to be reminded of plans you have made.
For those times you’ve gotten an email about something but forgotten to follow up, Google can now catch potential plans buried in your Gmail: it’ll prompt you to add them to your calendar then serve up reminders, so you can stay on top of staying in touch.

As you scramble to get through the end of the year, the app will also help you keep track of your trips (whether you’re seeing the family on Thanksgiving or jetting to Vegas for New Year’s eve), to-do lists (did you pay your utility bill? pick up the wine for your Christmas party?) and more (the Bulls score, where you parked your car) with Now cards.
And, your Google app now doubles as a virtual coin
Korean BBQ or pizza? Can't decide? just say “Ok Google, flip a coin” and make those decisions in a snap.
Google Inside Search

Samsung To Manufacture Apple Processors For iPhone, iPad!

Samsung partners with GlobalFoundries to fabricate Apple processors.

According to Korea Times, Samsung will be the major manufacturer of Processors used by Apple in iPhone and iPads. The A-series processors used by Apple will be designed by Apple and Samsung (80%) and TSMC(20%) will manufacture them. Samsung will fabricate them in partnership with GlobalFoundries (GF), a semiconductor manufacturer headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif.
Apple took away chip business from Samsung some time back when it started it's patent battle with Samsung. TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) was the major manufacturer for Apple Processors.

"Apple has designated Samsung as the primary supplier of its next A-series chips powering iOS devices from 2016 as the alliance with GlobalFoundries (GF) enabled Samsung to cut off capacity risk," a source familiar with the deal said.

Samsung Electronics agreed with Apple to produce application processors (APs) from next year for iPhones and iPads, sources said Monday.
Korea Times.

Beats Music To Be Integrated / Bundled In To iOS?

Apple Streaming to Beat(s) Spotify
According to an article on Financial times Apple plan to integrate Beats Music, the streaming service in to iOS. Perhaps in time for Apple Watch. As if Spotify did not want another set back, it looks like it is coming directly at it.

Apple will bundle the subscription music service it acquired from Beats into its iOS operating system early next year, instantly making it available on hundreds of millions of iPhones and iPads – and ramping up pressure on Spotify, the market leader in music streaming.

The inclusion of the paid-for Beats service in an iOS software update could happen as early as March, according to people familiar with the situation.

But will Apple meat the same anti-trust/anti competitive issue that Microsoft faced when it integrated IE in to Windows. It looks the same to me (IANL) as both are leveraging the advantage it has on OS to push their other products an unfair advantage.
But there will be a way to use your favorite streaming app, just like I use Google Maps for iOS rather than the broken, Apple Map. Hopefully you can do the same with Beats App.
Mac Rumors

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Apple Found Infringing SkyTel Patents, Ordered To Pay $23.6 Million.

Unfair Apple ordered to pay $23.6 Million.
Two way messaging Patents developed for the SkyTel network and owned by Mobile Telecommunications Technologies LLC are sound and were infringed by Apple, a federal jury in Marshall, Texas, said late yesterday. MTel, was awarded $23.6 million, about a tenth of what it had been seeking in damages. It was seeking $1 per device which amounted to $237.2 Million. MTel claimed Apple’s Airport Wi-Fi products and iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices with messaging used the technology. 
“Apple is refusing to acknowledge the contributions of others, This case is about fairness.” MTel lawyer Deron Dacus of the Dacus Firm in Tyler, Texas, told the jury in closing arguments. Guess Apple was unfair, in the eyes of the jury.
Samsung, Apple's rival also faces the similar lawsuit scheduled to go in to a trial by jury soon.

BlackBerry SDK 10.3.1, Momentics 2.1.1, And Developer OS 10.3.1 Released To Aid BlackBerry Classic Development.

BlackBerry SDK.
We all know that BlackBerry Classic is coming soon and BlackBerry wants to ensure that developers have all the means to develop for the device. The tool set consists of the gold release of the BlackBerry 10.3.1 Native SDK along with Momentics 2.1.1, and a new developer OS (OS for all devices. 

To start developing for BlackBerry Classic, the first thing you need to do is download Momentics 2.1.1 from our developer site.  Once you have downloaded it you can pull in the 10.3.1 API and simulator.  You will need to set your API Level to 10.3.1 in order to use the trackpad specific APIs.  Since we haven’t released a BlackBerry Classic device as yet you will need to use the simulator for development and testing.
BB Blog more info and download instructions.

Nokia Z Launcher Beta, Is In Google Play Store!

The adaptive and fast Z launcher (beta) by Nokia, has been released to Google Play store and if you wish you will be able to install it free. If you have an Android phone running Android 4.1 or later and if you live in the permitted area, You can play with it until the real thing comes back.
Here’s what’s new:
  • Faster – We looked at every possible area where we could make small speed improvements from optimizing on specific handsets to obscure things like “finger tracking latency”.
  • Better Prediction – Without getting too technical…we found ways to bring more context into our algorithm and to hone the algorithm data to just keep the important elements that give users the best results.
  • Refined Scribble – We improved the recognition and response time, (its faster!)
  • We now run on rooted devices! – This was the #1 most requested feature in our forum.

Call Mexico For Free With Skype, 100 Million Minutes Free

100 millones de minutos de llamadas gratis a celulares y teléfonos fijos en México
As of now it is 92 Million.

Is Your iPhone App Ready For Apple Watch? Apple Watchkit To Help.

Getting Apps ready for Apple watch.
Apple has released WatchKit, the toolbox you need to develop apps for the Apple Watch. The Watchkit together with iOS 8.2 beta SDK that comes with XCode 6.2, lets you experiment and master of most of what the Apple Watch is capable of doing today, notifications, pressure-aware touch, and glances. Having said that, you will have to wait a while to get your app published but you can pave the road today and race on when the gates open.

EFF, LetsEncrypt To Offer Free Encryption Server Certificates.

Let's Encrypt.

There are millions of web sites that operates without encryption, simply due to the fact it is expensive to obtain a server certificate. Unlike HTTPS, HTTP protocol is unencrypted and anyone who wishes to eavesdrop may do so at ease. HTTPS on the other hand encrypts the communication and ensures that no third parties are diverting you from the proper destination and makes other factors like passwords, account numbers secure.
So it the secure server certificates are provided free, just like the Apache server, which most web sites operates on, many more web sites will be secure and making all our lives easier.
So EFF has teamed up with Let's Encrypt to provide no cost server certificates. Let's Encrypt is scheduled to offer free server certificates beginning in summer 2015.
"This project should boost everyday data protection for almost everyone who uses the Internet, Right now when you use the Web, many of your communications—your user names, passwords, and browsing histories—are vulnerable to hackers and others. By making it easy, fast, and free for websites to install encryption for their users, we will all be safer online." said EFF Technology Projects Director Peter Eckersley.
Let's Encrypt will be overseen by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), a California public benefit corporation. ISRG will work with Mozilla, Cisco Systems Inc., Akamai, EFF, and others to build the much-needed infrastructure for the project and the 2015 launch.
"The Let's Encrypt certificate authority will dramatically increase the ability of websites around the world to implement HTTPS, increasing the security of hundreds of millions of Internet users every day," said Eckersley.
For Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org  Via EFF
For more on Let's Encrypt and how it will work:

Verizon Squeezes More From You For Early Termination!

Verizon makes it more expensive to terminate a contract early.
Verizon is making you pay more for early termination of a contract. A new major policy change that went into effect on November 14th, 2014, makes it more expensive for you to cancel service with the carrier in the first 8 months of your a 2-year contract. The new policy says that your Early Termination Fee (ETF) reductions will not kick in until after 8 months. Most carriers reduction begins in the first month. Link to the policy after the jump and here is the portion that relates to the ETF;

" If you cancel a line of Service, or if we cancel it for good cause, during its contract term, you'll have to pay an early termination fee. If your contract term results from your purchase of an advanced device on or after November 14, 2014, your early termination fee will be $350, which will decline by: $10 per month in months 8–18, $20 per month in months 19–23, and $60 in the final month of your contract term. For other contract terms entered into on or after November 14, 2014, your early termination fee will be $175, which will decline by: $5 per month in months 8–18, $10 per month in months 19–23, and $30 in the final month of your contract term. If your contract results from your purchase of an advanced device prior to November 14, 2014, your early termination fee will be $350 minus $10 for each full month of your contract term that you complete. For other contract terms entered into prior to November 14, 2014, your early termination fee will be $175 minus $5 for each full month of your contract term that you complete. Cancellations will become effective on the last day of that month's billing cycle"

Via Verizon

Monday, November 17, 2014

UnionPay Is In Apple Bag Now

Pay Apple with UnionPay!

Apple has partnered up with China UnionPay, a bankcard network with 4.5 Billion cards issued in China. Basically this China’s State Council and the People’s Bank of China approved bankcard wield a huge consumer following in China.
By making it easier for Chinese customers to pay with the UnionPay, Apple's existing close to 100 million users and all new comers should help Apple push numbers in China, estimated to be 29.8 billion in 2014.

Press Release;

BEIJING—November 17, 2014—Apple® today announced that the App Store℠ has added UnionPay as a payment option for customers in China. China UnionPay is the most popular payment card in China and will provide App Store customers with a simple and more convenient way to purchase their favorite apps. Customers can easily link their Apple ID with a UnionPay debit or credit card for one-tap purchases.

“The ability to buy apps and make purchases using UnionPay cards has been one of the most requested features from our customers in China,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. “China is already our second largest market for app downloads, and now we’re providing users with an incredibly convenient way to purchase their favorite apps with just one-tap.”

As a bankcard network, China UnionPay operates China’s national inter-bank clearing and settlement system, develops the worldwide UnionPay Card acceptance network, promotes the issuance and usage of the UnionPay Card as well as other innovative payment solutions, so as to provide quality, efficient and safe payment services to cardholders. To date, the total number of UnionPay Cards issued both at home and abroad has exceeded 4.5 billion. The UnionPay network has been extended to all cities and rural areas in China. In addition, China UnionPay has enabled UnionPay Card acceptance in over 140 countries and regions through extensive cooperation with more than 400 institutions around the world. Additional information may be found at: www.unionpay.com.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

Press Contacts:
Cony Cong
+86 108 525 5921

Christine Monaghan
+1 (408) 974-8850

Google's Loon To Fly Down Under


The Google project that plans to fly a ring of balloons in the stratospheric winds carrying Internet relaying instruments to provide Internet access to otherwise un-connectables, in gaining a ISP support in Australia.
The balloons will fly above where the highest flying airlines fly and will stay afoat for 100 days or more, providing the service people below. So these balloons, or the Google Loon project, is teaming up with Australian telecommunications firm, Telstra to launch as much as 20 balloons and fly over western Queensland during December. The Loon balloons will be beaming 4G-like signal down to Earth, 20km below. Telstra will provide base stations to communicate with the balloons.
May be it is good idea for DOJ, they don't have to fly small planes, IMSI Catchers but have a bunch of balloons all over the USA.
Google Loon, Guardian

We Are Very Much Alive, Nokia! Go Nokia!!

Nokia, such a brand. I have gone through quite a few Nokia phones and there is one phone I still keep for posterity sake. Unopened elegantly packaged phone. I think they had a knack for packaging them, not as sexy as iPhone but industrious.
So when we heard that Microsoft is dropping 'Nokia' from it's phones, we were be sad. But a post form Nokia says it is not necessary, and that Nokia is much alive as it was 150 years ago. Go Nokia.

Some of today’s press reports related to rumours about Microsoft dropping the Nokia brand have declared the death of the Nokia brand.  But, to paraphrase Mark Twain, “reports of our death are an exaggeration.”  Yes, we have sold our mobile phone business to Microsoft.  But the Nokia of today is financially robust and has moved from weakness to strength. We have one of the world’s best telecom infrastructure businesses, a global leader in the mapping and location business, a stellar intellectual property portfolio and some of the finest innovation capabilities of any company anywhere.  Remember, Nokia started almost 150 years ago with just one paper mill. Over time we have repeatedly and successfully reinvented ourselves.  We may not be the same Nokia of several years ago, but we are here, we are strong, and our brand is very much still alive. Not to mention kicking!
We are glad and will look for for exciting news.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Google Glass Shattered? Shuttered?

Google Glass Shattered? Shuttered?

Looks like Google Glass is heading in to some stormy waters. Every pundit is taking Googler Sergey Brin not wearing the Google Glass in to the red carpet event held at the NASA Ames center Hanger as a sign of the demise of the device.
But Brin has said that he just forgot the glass in the car.
You can't blame people for thinking this way, as many developers left the turf and early Glass users are losing interest. Google Glass Explorer, $1,500 a sort of beta version of the product packs a camera, processor and stamp-sized computer screen mounted to the edge of eyeglass frames.

Reuters says that developers are pulling back as the projected market to be small and Google Inc itself has pushed back the Glass roll out to the mass market. Yet Plenty of larger developers remain with Glass. The nearly 100 apps on the official web site include Facebook and OpenTable, but twitter, one of my favorite, has stopped.
I can see the use of the device in specialized fields but the price will keep even the casual show offs with their sunglasses.

NetNeutrality, President Obama's Endoersement.

President Obama Last week asked FCC to reclassify consumer broadband service, including Mobile Broadband, under Title II of the Telecommunications Act.
“This is a basic acknowledgment of the services ISPs provide to American homes and businesses, and the straightforward obligations necessary to ensure the network works for everyone — not just one or two companies.” President quoted.

  • No blocking. If a consumer requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal, your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way, every player — not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP — gets a fair shot at your business.
  • No throttling. Nor should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content or speed up others — through a process often called “throttling” — based on the type of service or your ISP’s preferences.
  • Increased transparency. The connection between consumers and ISPs — the so-called “last mile” — is not the only place some sites might get special treatment. So, I am also asking the FCC to make full use of the transparency authorities the court recently upheld and, if necessary, to apply net neutrality rules to points of interconnection between the ISP and the rest of the Internet.
  • No paid prioritization. Simply put: No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the Internet’s growth. So, as I have [said] before, I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect.

Now DirtBoxes Or IMSI Catchers Are Intercepting And Collecting Celphone Data

Dirtboxes are used by DOJ to collect cellphone data.

WSJ has revealed that DIRTBOX's (The name “dirtbox’’ came from the acronym of the company making the device, DRT, forDigital Receiver Technology Inc.,) carried by low flying aircrafts over the land of the free are collecting cell phone data, in bucketfuls, in digital form. The similar technologies are used by forces to catch culprits and terrorists in war zones and other foreign areas.

The local version, which is done, in a complete legal way, by passes ISPs, carriers or sell towers. They are searching for convicts, criminals and drug dealers.
“What is done on U.S. soil is completely legal, Whether it should be done is a separate question.” said one person familiar with the program.
The scanning is done by the Technical Operations Group of the U.S. Marshals Service, which tracks fugitives, among other things. Sometimes it deploys the technology on targets requested by other parts of the Justice Department. The "Dirtbox", is being used to mimic mobile phone tower transmissions from the sky and gather data from millions of mobile phones, helping the US Marshals Service track criminals while recording innocent citizens’ information.Cellphones are programmed to connect automatically to the strongest cell tower signal. The device identifies itself as having the closest, strongest signal, even though it doesn’t, and forces all the phones that can detect its signal to send in their unique registration information. If a suspect’s cellphone is identified, the technology can pinpoint its location within about 10 feet, down to a specific room in a building. Newer versions of the technology can be programmed to do more than suck in data: They can also jam signals and retrieve data from a target phone such as texts or photos. It isn’t clear if this domestic program has ever used those features.

It keeps on growing and I am getting tired, just reading about it. I can't throw away my phones because there are pay phone on the street!
Read and get depressed at WSJ.

Email Self Defense, Learn How To Encrypt Your Email and Keep Them From Prying Eyes?

Geemodo: Email Encryption, For Better Or Worse.

Communication For You When There Is No Cell Coverage, Push To Talk For Your Smartphone.


A software-defined radio, A backup battery in a protective sleeve, collectively called Beartooth, brings two-way radio technology to allow you to talk to people, send text messages, and get geolocation information in places where you don't have cell or data service. Beartooth works on iOS or Android devices.
Every time you are out of range of communication towers or in a location the the signals are so congested, with the help of Beartooth’s patent pending technology, you can now reliably stay in contact with your group. Beartooth allows for true peer-to-peer communication between iOS and Android devices completely bypassing the Wi-Fi and cellular network.
I reserved, (got in line) by submitting my email at the site.

Microsift Band Reviewed

Microsoft Band

Does the first device opening up Microsoft Health that plans to take on Apple Health and Google Fit (not the uber failure, Google Health), shine in the world of smart wrist devices? It could be, only if Microsoft beta test it else where, rather than on the market place, according to EnGadget. The reviewer says;
.... And the Band seems more like a prototype than a consumer device. It's bulky, uncomfortable and has disappointing battery life. You could get a comfortable fitness tracker for less, or a capable smartwatch for a few bucks more.
But you can weight the Pros;
  • Works on iOS, Android and Windows Phone
  • Lots of data, thanks to a raft of sensors
  • App has a clean design and shows promise
  • Connects to Cortana on Windows Phone
  • Guided workouts are extremely helpful
And Cons;
  • Hardware is uncomfortable and poorly designed
  • Microsoft Health is mostly promise
  • Smartwatch-like battery life
  • Does too many things, many of them poorly
  • Seriously, the Band is really uncomfortable
and decide for yourself, as it is one man's view. I have settled for a Withings as that is what I am looking for, for now. I do not have a Data Rash from the band or the the device yet.

Lumia 730, Lumia 735 Reviewed

Lumia 730, Lumia 735 Reviewed.

Microsoft Lumia 730/735 are Microsoft's phones targeting various sections of mid range smart phones. While powered by, a now dated chipset, it is surprisingly equipped with what one need to survive in the phone laded world today.

Lumia 730/735 Key Features

  • 4.7" 720p (316 ppi) 16M-color ClearBlack AMOLED capacitive touchscreen with Gorilla Glass 3
  • Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1 with latest Denim update
  • Quad-core 1.2GHz Cortex-A7 CPU, Adreno 305 GPU; Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chipset, 1GB of RAM
  • 6.7MP camera with 1080p video recording @ 30fps, 1/3.4'' sensor size
  • 5MP front-facing camera, wide-angle 24mm lens, 1080p video recording
  • 8GB of built-in storage, microSD card slot up to 128GB, 15GB free OneDrive storage
  • LTE Cat. 4 (up to 150 Mbps) support, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, GPS/GLONASS, Bluetooth v4.0
  • NFC
  • Standard 3.5mm audio jack
  • Accelerometer and proximity sensor
  • Active noise cancellation with a dedicated mic
  • 2,200mAh Li-Ion battery, wireless charging
The difference between 730 and the 735 are, that the Lumia 730 is a dual-SIM package while the Lumia 735 has LTE.

GSMArena has a 10 page review of the Lumia 730 / 735 and the review is extensive, and the following are what I took away. You may find more.

Nokia Lumia 730/735 key test findings

  • Build quality is great and the phone has excellent handling. The polycarbonate shell is a bit hard to pop open but the flipside is the handset feels rock solid
  • The display is bright, contrast is excellent, sunlight legibility is very good
  • Battery life is solid
  • It has a rich connectivity package including LTE (735 only), NFC and an FM radio.
  • Speakers aren't very loud
  • Audio quality is solid
  • Capable camera of very good quality, some nice software perks, high-res selfies
  • The video recording quality is very good
  • Plays various video files except MKV videos, even AC3 audio is an option
  • Snappy and powerful Windows Phone 8.1 with the Lumia Denim firmware

Silent Supporters Of Net Neutrality, Ford, UPS, Visa, and Bank of America!

The Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee.

While companies like Ford, Visa, UPS and Bank of America, supported strongly, meaning, asking FCC to classify Internet as a Public Utility, which it is. But communication behemoths like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon, does not want that. They want total control of the internet, your phone and beyond. So they are fighting Net neutrality like it is the D-Day.
While wanting net neutrality to be open, the companies behind the Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee, Ford, Visa, UPS and B of A, are less vocal about their support, in some cases denying the extend of support, according to Bloomberg.
We just hope that FCC reclassify Internet as a public utility, because it a one. you cannot conduct a normal life without it, just like, electricity and water. The classification will bring more than just free data flow.
This is how the Ad Hoc committee suggested their thought on the matter;

“Every retailer with an online catalogue, every manufacturer with online product specifications, every insurance company with online claims processing, every bank offering online account management, every company with a website–every business in America interacting with its customers online is dependent upon an open Internet.”
So when will the real business' stand up for the cause?
Page 6 of the documents provided by the Ad Hoc Committe; emphasis is mine

The Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee Ad Hoc’s Comments in the Open Internet Rulemaking

Internet access is a Title II service

It’s a question of fact, not policy

The FCC should use forbearance to de-regulate as needed

“Terminating access” is a classic market failure

Competition can discipline an ISP’s prices and practices for its own subscribers

But there is no competitive choice when content providers communicate with the ISP’s subscriber

The FCC has repeatedly called this structure a “market failure”

Bill-and-keep is the FCC’s solution

Friday, November 14, 2014

AT&T Halts Using Perma-Cookies, For Now.

AT7T Tracking Mobile Traffic.
Up until last week, AT&T had been inserting a unique identifier in web traffic sent by its wireless customers, be it phones or tablets. AT7T has said it was a test program, and now been stopped. But before you may rejoice, AT&T also mentioned that;
“We don’t currently have a Relevant Advertising program in place, but we could have one in the future, It could be this exact program that we tested, it could be something else entirely.”
said Emily Edmonds, an AT&T spokesperson.
Try to use WiFi connection whenever possible. It will not entirely stop but may reduce some. Also you can throw them off the track, take an irrelevant path to your destination, periodically hit back button twice. They will have your data, but with some garbage. If Possible, use a VPN!

Apple Gets A Double Doze Of Missing Text Lawsuits, Combined

Apple and the missing text, iMessage.

The case we reported yesterday, Moor vs Apple Inc, regarding the missing text and a bunch of other stuff has been consolidated with a case filed earlier. It was filed in May by plaintiffs Adam Backhaut, Joy Backhaut, and Kenneth Morris, arguing that Apple was violating the Stored Communications Act and wiretap act, by intercepting messages.
The judge presiding over the cases has decided that both the cases have similarities enough to be consolidated. Even as all three parties have shown the relectance to do so, Judge Lucy Koh has give them until December 4th to refile case. Both plaintiffs seek to get Class certification for their cases.

"Why I'm Getting Rid of my iPhone 6" vs "In Defense of the iPhone 6,"

iPhone 6, differing ideas.
I read two posts on Latinpost regarding iPhone 6. The first is about dropping iPhone 6 and four years of Apple life for Android world, likely an HTC or Nokia ( ;) good luck on that)
The other is blaming all the faults of iPhone 6 on others like Carriers and Sapphire glass makers and Android for being there. He is sticking with the iPhone 6 like a moth to a light bulb.
They are fun reads, no matter which camp you are in as you get to learn the other.
Start with the first "Why I'm Getting Rid of my iPhone 6" and there is a link to the next on the article, if you still want to read.

Mobile Security Myths That Could Hurt!

Mobile Security
I read a fine article this morning at EdTech and you should read it if any of the following will form a question mark.

1. Mobile apps from trusted brands are safe.
2. SMS is a secure communications tool.
3. Smartphones don’t need anti-malware software.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

BlackBerry Classic Ready For Preorder.


BlackBerry Classic has been a center piece of recent BlackBerry talks. BlackBerry CEO, John Chen announced today that they will start taking pre orders in selected markets. If your is not included may be you need share your need with BlackBerry using #INeedMyBB in social. 

    Keyboard and navigation keys designed for optimal speed and accuracy
    Large square touch screen
    Amazingly fast and astoundingly beautiful web browsing
    A battery that powers through
    Ability to install Android and BlackBerry apps
    Works with GSM Carriers only. Bands include: FD-LTE: 1,2,4,5,7,13,17,25. HSPA: 1,2,4,5/6
    This product will not work on Verizon, Sprint

Product will set you back $442 and expected to ship mid December. You  can have any color, as long as it is black.BlackBerry Classic Pre-order

Drop Your SHIELD, And Upgrade To Android 5.0, Lollipop & Half-Life 2 And More!

NVIDIA bringing Android 5.0, Lollipop to Shield tablet.

Nvidia announced today that it is upgrading the gaming tablet SHIELD with the latest Android OS, Lollipop and throwing in bunch of other goodies. These will keep the gamers interest on tablets high as they are bringing one of the best games of all time, “Half-Life 2: Episode One”; and the new on-demand gaming service, GRID. GRID suppose to add more than 20 AAA titles such as Batman: Arkham City, Borderlands 2 and Psychonauts to the mix.

I do not own one but I have played with one, yes, I like it a lot. Nvidia.

MOR-e-ON Net Neutrality

MorEon Net Neutrality. I do not know whether to laugh or cry;

But it is your right to have your own opinion and even to publicize your own cluelessness.

Stop 2014 Skype Automatic File Transfer

Skype 2014 Automatic File Transfer.
The new Skype, the default is to accept files sent to you automatically, without your acceptance. This is great if all you have on your Skype are your trusted people. But even trusted people could send you bad files. WHat if your trusted friends computer is infected with some kind of Skype worm. So we think it is better to make sure you approve what you get and where to save them, even if you did ask for the file.
To change your settings for automatic file transfer:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. In the menu bar, click on Tools > Options…
  3. Click on IM & SMS
  4. In the IM settings pane, scroll down to When I receive a file…
Select an option for your transferred files’ location and uncheck Automatically accept incoming files.
You will be a bit safer.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Updated : Raid your Elastix!

Updated with the link tot the document.
Elastix RAID setup, including how to recover from a failure.
A new document has appeared on Elastix Application notes, that will take you step by step, through the process. It covers the setup of RAID at Elastix install time. Without going in to complex RAID setups that fail to recover ultimately, the document will guide you how to setup software Linux RAID that is a part of CentOS, which is Elastix distribution based on.
Document covers following sections and I find 'recovery' inclusion a great asset. You can also adapt the same method to other Asterisk setups.

What is RAID?
Hardware requirements for RAID
The Concept of what we are about to commence
RAID Configuration – Setup of the partitions
RAID Setup – Populating the RAID Sets and setting Mount Points
Confirming that your RAID is working
Management of your RAID
RAID Recovery
Document History

Learn Again, How To 'say thanks' From Facebook!

Messaging seem to be the theme today. From Google releasing Android Messenger, which I installed on my Samsung Pad.
Now I see that Facebook is telling us how to say thanks, not that you have not done that before but how to do that on Facebook, in a form of a video snippet.
So to celebrate all those friendships that you have created on the social network or before, you can say thanks with the tool that Facebook has created.

To create a Say Thanks video, visit facebook.com/thanks. Once you choose a friend, Facebook will generate a preview of the video. You’ll have the ability to select a different theme and edit photos and posts that represent your friendship.

Messenger From Lollipop Comes to Android 4.1 and Above!

Android Messenger

Just appeared in Google play Store, Messenger, an integral part of  Lollipop. You can use Messenger for usual messaging like, SMS and MMS and also able to send and receive audio messages. Designed and built with Material Design, the app is fine.

Key features (from the Messenger app page):
Faster sharing: Select or take pictures and videos directly from the app and share easily. You can even send audio messages to your contacts.
Easy search: Search through contacts and conversation threads to find exactly what you are looking for.
Purposeful design: New, fluid, material design that is intuitive and delightful.
More control: Ability to block SMS senders. No interruptions when you don’t want them!
More features: audio messages, emoji support 😃, colored text threads, message archiving and more.
Messenger is supported on devices running Android™ 4.1, Jelly Bean, and above.

A New Threat To All iOS Apps, Masque Attack.

Masque Attack, Replacing Genuine iOS Apps With Malware Apps.

Security firm FireEye has revealed that a security flow in iOS is making most iDevices vulnerable to cyber attacks. The flow allows hackers to replace genuine apps on the devices with malicious apps.
The flow discovered by FireEye in July 2014, allows an iOS app installed using enterprise/ad-hoc provisioning to replace another genuine app installed through the App Store, as long as both apps used the same bundle identifier.
The third party app may display an arbitrary title, a catchy name that are familiar to users. But after installation, the app can replace another genuine app as all apps can be replaced except iOS preinstalled apps, on an iOS device. The FireEye team has named the method, Masque Attack.

"This vulnerability exists because iOS doesn't enforce matching certificates for apps with the same bundle identifier. We verified this vulnerability on iOS 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.1.1 beta, for both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability both through wireless networks and USB. We named this attack “Masque Attack,""
 said the FireEye team. They are demonstrating the fact with the video below.
iOS users can protect themselves from Masque Attacks by following three steps:
  1. Don’t install apps from third-party sources other than Apple’s official App Store or the user’s own organization
  2. Don’t click “Install” on a pop-up from a third-party web page, as shown in Figure 1(c), no matter what the pop-up says about the app. The pop-up can show attractive app titles crafted by the attacker
  3. When opening an app, if iOS shows an alert with “Untrusted App Developer”, as shown in Figure 3, click on “Don’t Trust” and uninstall the app immediately.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Microsoft Lumia 535 - Microsoft Office, OneDrive, Skype, Cortana And More..

With Lumia 535, a phone totally Microsoft, get all the benefits of Skype, Cortana, Office and OneDrive packed in to a powerful but affordable smartphone. The display is 5" IPS LCD with capacitive multipoint touch.
It is equiped with 5 MP wide angle camera in front and 5 MP camera in the rear with flash. There also Selfie app to fine tune your selfies.
The phone is promised of  Maximum talk time (2G): 11 hours and Maximum music playback time: 78 hours. So there is plenty of time between charges to talk and do stuff.
But what is interesting is the video call capability, thanks to Skype app and the front facing wide angle lens wide area of view.
Then there is Cortana, who can assist you from giving you the latest scores of your favorite game to reminding you to pick up a gift for mom's birthday, to telling you the best recipe for the party. She's pretty good from what I have heard.
Te phone will be available in Asia Pacific territories. Russia, India and China leading the pack, before coming to Africa and Europe. No talk of USA having the chance to use it. The phone will cost about $130.

Taylor Swift And Spotify, Not Done Yet, Daniel Ek!

Daniel Ek to Taylor Swift.

Taylor YT

Swift broke up with Spotify and pulled all her music from the service and Spotify sang sad songs. Even among the turmoil Spotify has surpassed iTunes in Europe in earnings. But it was not the end.
Taylor went onto explain her position on Yahoo, but the explanation was too painful to read/watch as I felt that it was not close to the reality. But she did sell 1.3 million copies of her album and exclude me or anyone I know from that 1.3 million people. If I really wanted to listen, I could have gone to Youtube but her music is not that worth to me. But people who do, they do.
Now we find that the saga is not over, Daniel Ek of Spotify has revealed today that Taylor was in line to earn $6 million from Spotify. We also noted that the sales from the album 1989 was $12 million(first week). I doubt Big Machine would give her all the money.
Anyway even though not exactly pointed at Taylor, Daniel Ek's long write up explains a lot about the industry and how money flows etc.
He noted that payouts from Spotify, 2 Billion so far have been progressively rising thus streaming is the way of the future for all music. I tend to believe him but services like iTunes and Google Play will continue to provide copies when we want to have the songs near by.

Apple Ordered To Face A Federal Lawsuit Over iMessage And Missing Texts.

iMessage Lawsuit
Yesterday we reported about new tool Apple provided to uncouple a phone number from iMessage system. Quite a few people missed texts which originated from iPhones when they switched to Other phones like Samsung Galaxy. We also mentiond about the lawsuit and if this step was taken as a result of the situation.
So today US District Court Judge Lucy Koh ordered that the company face claims it failed to disclose issues that customers would face if they switched from an iPhone to another device. Adrienne Moore, the plaintiff, alleges that upon switching to the Galaxy S5 from an iPhone 4, iMessage and/or the switch blocked the delivery of "countless" messages.
Judge said the case would move forward and Moore will have an opportunity to  prove his case, if Apple violated California's unfair competition regulations.
 "Plaintiff does not have to allege an absolute right to receive every text message in order to allege that Apple's intentional acts have caused an actual breach or disruption of the contractual relationship," Koh wrote.

Via Reuters

Apple Gets Location-based Profile Patent

One more patent in Apple's bag. 
Geemodo: Apple Gets Geofence-based Wireless Diagnostics Patent

Which ISP Is Better Bringing Netflix To Your Home?

Netflix deleivery
Netflix has released the ISP speed index for October on streaming Netflix data. According to the company's announcement, In the U.S., Bright House cracked the Top 3 in October with an average speed of 3.13Mbps, joining Verizon FiOS and Cablevision.

Europeans seem to get Netflix data flowing in to their homes much faster than USA, even Fiber customers.

USA Netflix Speeds By ISP

The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network. Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions.

The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network. Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions. - See more at: http://ispspeedindex.netflix.com/usa#sthash.NsJUwzpQ.dpuf

The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network. Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions. - See more at: http://ispspeedindex.netflix.com/usa#sthash.NsJUwzpQ.dpuf
The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network. Faster Netflix performance generally means better picture quality, quicker start times and fewer interruptions. - See more at: http://ispspeedindex.netflix.com/usa#sthash.NsJUwzpQ.dpuf

Candy Crush Soda, Is Free On Appstore

Candy Crush Soda.

Download Candy Crush Soda Saga for free now.  It’s Sodalicious!
"Candy Crush Soda"  is another attempt to get your sweet tooth, from the makers of Candy Crush Saga. It brings new candies, more divine combinations and challenging game modes brimming with purple soda!
Candy Crush Soda Saga is completely free to play, but some in-game items such as extra moves or lives will require payment.
Developers have mentioned that they are aware of an issue with having trouble connecting to Facebook. They have promised a fix shortly!

Samsung GearS, Facts.

The new Samsung Ad illuminating Gear S and it's capabilities that matter. Among other things, Gear S lets you enjoy your life on-the-go with navigation, brief voice call, instant SMS notification and a QWERTY keyboard.  Samsung was tweeting about the keyboard knowing about 60 languages!

Microsoft Renames Lync, Skype For Business.

Microsoft Skype for Business.
Someone at Microsoft is recognizing the brand value of Skype and that only a few will know what Lync is. Viola, Lync is getting renamed Skype for Business. They also recognizing that Penguins (Linux?) are an important factor, see the prominence it gives penguins in the above video. I use Lync everyday and it serves the corporate needs. So at least I do not have to learn another Microsoft product, it just a label change. Skype had this idea of Skype for Business, in 2008.
I guess now I have to write another post, How to uninstall Skype for Business.

Alibaba Singles Day Sales Exceed RMB 57.1 Billion (USD $9.3 billion); 42.6% From Mobile.

If any one was skeptical about Alibaba, this should take care of that. 11/11, the singles day in China, also the biggest eCommerce day, started and Alibaba clocked $1 Billion sales in just 17 minutes. The second billion came in after 1 hour and 12 seconds.
If you want to compare, Cyber Monday sales were $2.29 Billion last year.

The day concluded with exceeding $9.3 Billion sales and 42.6% of that accounting for mobile sales. Apple must be salivating with it's Apple Pay.

Alizila (twitter)

inCharge Will Take Charge OF All Your Charging Needs!

The inCharge is a project by Lorenzo and Carlo Ferraris, searching for funding on a Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. They did not have to search much as the hope of raising $20,000 for production costs, has already raised $97759.00 (as this is written).
It is not a rocket science but a clever idea to provide your with USB charging cable that can attach to your key ring, backpack or simply to be kept in your pocket. It is a slim male USB connector attached to a lightning or micro USB, female on the other end. It is about 2" long, including the cable, which comes in multiple colors. Cable folds in two and attached to each other via embedded magnets. Neat idea, and for $9 for lightning or a micro USB cable, I will get two of each.
As funding is there, hopefully its creators will easily be able to make it a reality. A $9 donation is all that's needed and either the microUSB or Lightning version, in one of eight different colors, will be yours. [Indiegogo - inCharge] via Gizmodo.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Google Voice Now Supports MMS On All Major Carriers.

GoogleVoice MMS
If lack of support for Verizon on Google Voice MMS, kept you away from Google Voice, consider it is past. A Googler announced today that it is complete and it is covering all major networks.
At the same time, Google is adding MMS photo support for users of Voice in Google hangouts. So now people will be able to see pictures inline rather than a link to the photo as it used to be. One more reason to hangout at Google longer.

500 Million People Are Using Facebook Messenger.

Facebook Messenger.

Facebook announced today that 500 million users are using the app monthly. Facebook launched the standalone app in 2011 but did not receive the popularity that was expected. But it's ability reach 500 million is good news for the app group.
Messenger was the first of our standalone apps, and unlike our core Facebook apps, it focused on one use case – messaging. With Messenger, you can reach people instantly. It is just as fast as SMS but gives you the ability to express yourself in ways that SMS can’t. You can send stickers or videos, take selfies, chat with groups and make free calls. We’ve also continued to improve speed and reliability. Updates to Messenger ship every two weeks so it continues to evolve and improve.

Eco-friendly Children’s Wearable, LG KizON Will Be In Europe,

LG KizON coming to  Europe
Looks like FiLIP has competition in Europe. FiLIP 2 is currently available in the USA through service provided by AT&T. KizON provides services very similar to FiLIP, protecting and tracking small children, and elderly citizens.
I has a one single button which allow children to communicate pre configured Phone number which can be changed using an Android 4.1 or higher phone, like switching between father and mother based on their availability. If the call to the child goes unanswered,the device will automatically switch on the listen mode that allows parents hear the ambient noise through the built in microphone.The battery powering the device has 36 hour span covering the normal needs well.

  • “Children as well as the elderly are ideal customers for wearable technologies, Wearables allow us to stay connected without the worry of losing a device or the inconvenience of having to carry a large item in a pocket. At LG, we’re committed to exploring more ways to incorporate wearable devices into consumers lives in line with our vision to become a leader in wearables.” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company.

Press Release from LG.

SEOUL, Nov. 10, 2014 — KizON, a wearable device designed for children from LG Electronics (LG), has been certified for meeting specific environmental guidelines by TÜV Rheinland and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) Environment, two of the world’s leading certification organizations. KizON, currently only available in South Korea, begins its overseas rollout this week in Poland, to be followed by other European markets.
KizON is the first wearable device to receive the Green Product Mark from Europe’s leading testing, inspection, and certification body, TÜV Rheinland. UL Environment awarded KizON its ECOLOGO® Platinum certification, the highest offered by the 120-year-old American organization. To receive these certifications, KizON was subjected to a rigorous process to assess its performance in a number of parameters including, avoidance of hazardous chemicals and toxic components, recyclability and energy efficiency.
“KizON was developed in response to customers’ opinions that technology should be used to improve the lives of all consumers and it occurred to us that children had the most to gain because they’re the most vulnerable,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “With KizON meeting the highest standards of child-friendly products, parents and guardians can find comfort in knowing that their children’s first exposure to wearable technology is a safe one.”
KizON is a wearable designed exclusively for pre-school and primary school children that gives parents a simple and convenient way to keep track of their youngsters’ whereabouts using something they already have in their pockets — their smartphones. KizON offers parents ease of mind by not only delivering real-time information of a wearer’s location but also giving children the ability to communicate directly with them via the One Step Direct Call button. What’s more, KizON also includes Location Reminder, which allows parents to pre-set the device to provide location alerts at specific times throughout the day. Battery life is rated at 36 hours and when the power level drops to 20 percent, a voice notification alert and text message is activated to inform the wearer and parent to recharge the device.
A wide range of accessories featuring popular animation characters will be available for KizON, which is available in two attractive colors: blue and pink. Additional details including price and availability will be announced locally in additional markets at the time of launch.
Key Specifications:
■ Network: 2G GSM (900MHz /1800MHz)
 Location Technology: A-GPS, WPS (WiFi Positioning System)
 Memory: 64MB RAM / 128MB ROM
 Battery: 400mAh
 Size: 34.7 x 55.2 x 13.9mm
 Weight: 42.87g
■ Colors: Blue, Pink

Mitel Ups The Offer For Shoretel To 574 Million

Mitel, Shoretel takeover bid.

After being rejected by Shoretel on Mitel's  initial offer of $8.10 to $8.50 a share which sends the offer to $574 Million.

“We continue to believe that the combination of our two companies offers a compelling opportunity to add sustained value to both organizations, and would solidify our combined leadership position in a highly competitive and rapidly consolidating market,” 
said Richard McBee, chief executive officer of Kanata, Ontario-based Mitel, in a letter to ShoreTel’s board today.

Spice Up Your IM With Self Destructive Animated Messages, - Boop

Self Destructive Animated IM, - Boop

With the messaging arena filled with players like Snapchat and metoos, it is hard to make a headway for any app at the current conditions. But apps like Boop, tries to make a change. The app was just released and it is free. Like the TechCrunch's lengthy review should bring some people like me at least to test out the app. It is a novel idea, targeting adult market, focused on fun, works on both iOS, and Android platforms. I like the idea and hope the best for the App!

Boop via TechCrunch

Boop Press release, with links to the App, on AppStore and Google Play Store.


Self destructing animating text messages

Press release: “Snapchat for text” – Boop: Self destructing animated text app brings new twist to instant messaging

Boop is an app that allows anyone create and send ephemeral text messages with emoticons. When displayed, Boops show one word at a time. Adding a space to a message acts as a ‘frame skip’, meaning users can create small animated text and emoticon combos called ‘Boopmations.’ Every Boop can have an optional signature emoticon, allowing users to express themselves in many different ways.
Once a user views a Boop, it’s instantly deleted, both on the device and from the server, making it truly ephemeral. On top of that, the way Boops display — one word at a time — means they’re impossible to screenshot and tricky to capture the full message (and hard to read over someone’s shoulder!) , making them perfect for personal communication.
Founder Dave Ganly says “Boop places the focus on conversation – single shot messages that are gone as soon as they are viewed. Boop messages demand your attention, and can’t be recalled, leading to fun, fast paced, back and forth between friends. The message format - displaying one word at a time - has seen some really creative and emergent behavior in beta tests. Once you add in iOS and Android’s hundreds of emojis it leads to some very funny animations.
Boop launches today for both iOS and Android.
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id928683247
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.daveganly.boop
About the founders
Boop was created by Dave Ganly, a product guy and developer based in London with a penchant for trying out even the most random ideas. The iOS version was created by James L Nicholson, a prodigiously gifted developer. Previous work includes numerous projects, such as Tactic-Toe (James), Yarrly, VVX.IO (Dave) and many other part-time labours of love.

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