Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Centillium Takes on Multi-Service Access Market, with Entropia III-C, a VoIP System On a Chip.

Centillium Communications (NASDAQ: CTLM) Yesterday released Entropia™ III-C, the newest member of its suite of system-on-chip (SoC) Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions. Aimed at fast-growing multi-service access network (MSAN) applications such as POTS replacement, Entropia III-C scales the market proven features and performance advantages of the company’s flagship system into a smaller-sized, highly integrated chipset with cost structures and channel densities that squarely target the requirements of business communications and subscriber loop infrastructures.

“Our newest chipset marks a significant expansion of our reach in the booming market for voice services over the IP backbone,” said Didier Boivin, vice president of marketing, Centillium. “By extending technologies proven out in demanding, high-volume central office environments, we’ve scaled an innovative, best-in-class platform to bring superior performance, power consumption and service quality to new network access applications as well as legacy telco facilities.”

True Channel Density

Further distancing Entropia III-C from other solutions, the SoC reliably delivers 72 LBR channels of voice independent of the codecs in use. While other solutions achieve up to 72 channels with bandwidth-friendly compressed codecs, their capacity degrades to levels as low as 30 channels per card when bandwidth-intensive uncompressed codecs are processed. In contrast, Entropia III-C offers available support for all wireline and wireless codecs while assuring carriers of the maximum 72-channel capacity regardless of the mix of codecs in routing. As a result, Entropia III-C economizes on costs and physical space requirements by supporting fewer linecards to manage comparable voice traffic.

"Our upcoming annual VoIP market report will forecast steady growth in 'low-density' aggregation media gateways, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 62 percent through 2011," said Steve Rago, principal analyst, iSuppli. "This is the market opportunity that versatile, low-density processors like Centillium's latest Entropia offering seek to capitalize."
The Entropia III-C SoC is available now and includes software, documentation and reference designs for minimized time-to-market. Entropia solutions power voice and media gateways, wireless infrastructure gateways, Class 4 and 5 switches, DLC, voice-enabled IP routers, and IP-PBX systems. Entropia software fully supports IMS architecture, enabling on-demand delivery of rich media services over wireless and wireline networks. For more information, visit


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