Friday, November 10, 2006

Got Asterisk? How about Asterisk-Java??

If you an asterisk user, you may be already using Asterisk-Java. As some of the interfaces and modules built for Asterisk are already using Asterisk-Java!. The Asterisk-Java package consists of a set of Java classes that allow you to easily build Java applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server. Asterisk-Java supports both interfaces that Asterisk provides for this scenario: The FastAGI protocol and the Manager API, and is compatible with Asterisk 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4.

The Manager API implementation supports receiving events from the Asterisk server (e.g. call progess, registered peers, channel state) and sending actions to Asterisk (e.g. originate call, agent login/logoff, start/stop voice recording).

A complete list of the available events and actions is available at the Asterisk-Java site, which is in turn hosted on the Sourceforge.

According to the distribution site;
"Asterisk-Java 0.3 will be released shortly after Asterisk 1.4 and be available from the sourceforge project page as well as our distribution site.

For the future a stateful higher level API that supports operations like "get list of currently active calls" or "place call" with objects like "Call" or "Channel" that are transparently updated as the state of the corresponding object within the asterisk server changes is on the way. You can have a look at that represents its current state."

Following are some of the projects that use Asterisk-java;
Asterisk Desktop Manager, or ADM for short, brings the power of Asterisk to the user's desktop. It is written in Java, uses the Eclipse SWT library for its GUI and Asterisk-Java to provide Asterisk connectivity.
Available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Asterisk-IM is a plugin for the Wildfire XMPP (Jabber) server. It provides integrated presence between your IM client and phone, notification of incoming calls by IM and originate calls from the IM client - and of course it is based on Asterisk-Java.
Available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

AsterFax provides an SMTP Fax gateway for the transmission of faxes using Asterisk and is based on Asterisk-Java.
Available under a modified GNU General Public License (Organizations with more than one fax lines must purchase a commercial licence).

Asterisk-JTAPI is a JTAPI implementation for the Asterisk software PBX system. JTAPI is a provider independent programming interface for Java to build applications for computer telephony or to add support for it. JTAPI covers a wide range of usage scenarios starting from controlling a single telephone to a whole PBX system for example in call-centers.
Asterisk-JTAPI builds on top of two other projects: Asterisk-Java, which provides a Java interface to the Asterisk Manager API, and GJTAPI, which provides a general framework for JTAPI interfaces.
Available under Apache License.

Asterisk .NET is a full port of Asterisk-Java to .NET. It supports both the Manager API and FastAGI. The latest version is available from SourceForge.
Available under Apache License.

Asterisk-Java for Mono/.NET is a port of Asterisk-Java to C# for Mono, Microsoft's .NET Framework and anything else that implements the basic portions of the framework. It currently only supports the Manager API and is based on a pre-0.1 snapshot of Asterisk-Java.
Available under Apache License.

Asterisk-Java Distribution site
Asterisk-Java @ Sourceforge


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