Wednesday, November 07, 2007

There might be a Google Phone in OpenSocial!

If you have forgotten, amidst the noise about Google Phone or gPhone, that Google made headlines here and elsewhere, when it said plans to bid in the upcoming 700-MHz auction and it's attempt to keep it open as in "Open Access" together FCC and other organization. Verizon even took FCC to court over the same issue.

Google's Schmidt said Monday, during the press conference, that Android and the 700-MHz issue are "two separate initiatives", but if policymakers agree to the open access, a 700-MHz environment that will allows people to connect devices.", Android would certainly "run on that network,".

Schmidt also mentioneded that Google's OpenSocial network "will be a framework that will run well on Android.", answering my question "Will Google Phone or Gphone play a role in OpenSocial?"

We worked on this phone; "VOIP IP Telephony: Google Phone coming soon!" for a while now.


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