Saturday, November 24, 2007

Skype Sells Out 0207 SkypeIN Users for Profit Margin

Skype is being poor at business decisions again! Remember the very sorry letters Skype sent out to 0207 number users in London, UK.
Now it turns out that Skype let all the 0207 users down, just for financial gain. The SkypeIN numbers in 0207 is paid for service and might be that Skype is making less money if the keep on using 207 numbers according to a post by Digital lifestyles;
"We had an interview with Don McQueen, CEO of GCI Com who provided the 0207 numbers to Skype when they started the service 2-3 years ago.
He told us that as 0207 number are running short, many carriers are starting to charge for the 0207 numbers.
They have been in discussions with Skype for about year over the numbers, but talks broken down about two weeks ago when they couldn’t come to an agreement.McQueen tells us that without really finishing negotiations, Skype’s reaction was just to return the numbers.

Shame On You Skype"


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