Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A basic guide to VoIP

Although I would take the notion "Complete guide" with a grain of salt, this article nevertheless provides basic know how of some of the current VoIP and IP Telephony services and sources. I think it is a good read if you you are trying to gain or widen your knowledge in VoIP IP Telephony. Follow the link at the end for the article.

"The VoIP models and services: Complete guide shows why VoIP is not one size fits all. With clear, concise explanations of existing VoIP business models and deployment methodologies, you will be able to weigh the pros and cons of each based on your needs. Is hosted VoIP the best fit for your organisation or would a managed solution better serve your needs and security requirements? Should you migrate to VoIP incrementally with a hybrid PBX or move directly to IP? What about Skype or Yahoo – are they ready for the enterprise? This guide will help you answer these questions and more."

Table of contents:

  • Getting down to basics:
    The benefits and challenges of deploying VoIP.
  • VoIP training, testing and budgeting:
    Enterprises across the board run into the same VoIP deployment issues. Don't make the same mistakes.
  • Types of VoIP:
    Find out how hosted VoIP, managed VoIP, hybrid and pure-play solutions differ.
  • Other VoIP business models:
    Skype, Vonage, Yahoo and Jajah are not just for residential consumers anymore.
  • Five things every CIO should know about deploying VoIP:
    Ask yourself these questions before selecting a VoIP model.
Finally the article VoIP models and services: Complete guide


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