Teleblend is not blending well? gets B**chslapped
InfoWorld's R. Cringely has a nice post about Teleblend with bunch of comments which as important as the post itself.
Most importantly, you get to find out why one VoIP providers name stands for verklempt**
"After SunRocket crashed to earth last month, Cringe fan M. K. switched over to TeleBlend. But when TeleBlend's voice service went AWOL for several days last week, he was furious. He writes:
I have several projects in the works for which I should be getting calls. My clients are contacting me by cell and they are very, VERY angry. I could easily lose business.
Worse, TeleBlend tried to pass the buck to its own backbone provider, Global Crossing. That apparently didn't go over too well with Global Crossing, which b*tchslapped them so hard the VoIPers put their tails between their legs and posted a public apology:"
**Verklempt - choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way)
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