Jajah on a roll! Named "100 Top Private Companies for 2007".
Ever since I wrote about Jajah; VOIP IP Telephony: Disruption in VOIP IP Telephony Field By Jajah! Or is it? it has been a stream of information about Jajah. It never slowed down. I have been following through many a steps of innovations and victories. The latest is being in the 100 Top Private Companies for 2007. It is not a small feat. To top it off, Trevor Healy, Jajah's CEO was also selected to join the distinguished AO "New Captains Of Innovation" panel.
Always On editors had this to say about winners, “With the large number of promising contenders, deciding which companies make the AO100 list is always complex. To pick the final winners, AlwaysOn editors, KPMG, Bridge Bank, Merrill Corp., Level 3 Communications, and Manatt, Phelps & Phillips surveyed industry insiders and sorted through the 600-plus global company nominations. We then evaluated each company against several criteria: innovation, market opportunity, commercialization, media buzz, and stakeholder value creation.”
Congratulations to all Always On winners!.
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