Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gihub Begin To List DCMA Takedown Notices Online.

Github, saying it was inspired by Google DCMA policy, has started listing DCMA takedown notices received by Github online.

"Inspired by Google's DMCA policy, this repo contains various DMCA takedown notices we've received here at GitHub.For more details on our own policy, please see this page."

Github provides free public repositories, collaborator management, issue tracking, wikis, downloads, code review, graphs and much more for developers.
The recently started service lists two takedown notices, starting the listing service with a SONY DCMA takedown. Sony has been going around suing security researchers working with SONY playstation. One thing we know, of all the Android phones we see, know and test, We will keep away from Sony Phones, we simply don't want to get sued for rooting an Android phone

Github DCMA Page Via Geemodo


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