Monday, September 24, 2007

Let me eavesdrop on your calls and I will give you free calls!

According to this article on yahoo news and a subsequent visit to the Pudding makes me think would the pudding might fall on the face. This is a conclusion based on my very own personal beliefs and they have been wrong before!
I do not sit in front of a computer to make my VoIP calls, Not since we tested out an application a couple of years ago. Even Skype is used via wireless phone. So in my case I will not see an ad. So what do I get, just eavesdropping on my conversations and free calls, and the pudding nothing. This is not right. If Pudding is getting paid for displaying ads and subsequent clicking on those ads, it might work in the beginning and when the providers find out that no clicks are coming, they might look else where for ads.
But I was surprised, once to find out how many people are still on dialup Internet connections, and I am sure that this goes to VoIP scene as well. There might be a few million of users still think of tethering them selves when they think of calling someone. So idea might not be far off as I assume it to be.
A test of Puddingmedia's beta software by the AP reporter was a mixed success: Relevant ads appeared when this reporter talked about restaurants and computers, but the software was oddly insistent that he should seek a career as a social worker, showing multiple ads and links pointing to that field.

"Sometimes crazy things pop up. It actually enriches the conversation, which is very cool," said Ariel Maislos, chief executive of Puddingmedia.

You also could beta test (taste) the pudding here. Hello Pudding, Please publish the FAQ and Privacy notice in readable format! I do not like to download documents, specially .DOC files, ODF, I might! ;)

Press release is at Puddingmedia!

Good luck pudding, at least once finished, you will have a good voice recognition system that can be ut to use in many other areas of VoIP IP Telephony!


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