Friday, December 01, 2006

SER vs OpenSER, there is a differnce, I was wrong

My previous article "SER vs OpenSER, There is no real Comparison" is little out of touch. Even though I wrote the article I still partial to SER. Look at the links on the right side, "My favorite SIP Router" it has been the same since I started this blog. What drove me to write the article was the same reason that OpenSER came to be. Corporate or political bickering's, and nonoperational home site, (one day it was up and next day it was down) so much so I stopped even trying to visit site. I did visit Berlios developer site. That is the time I discovered OpenSER. What do you expect? it was a source of encouragement for me. I started immediately to work on OpenSER. I will continue to do so until SER assures me that it will not play the old tricks. I still have both the tracks and have deployed SER and OpenSER for many of my clients. I am also a very good fan of Asterisk and TrixBox (formerly Asterisk@home) and there are instances that I needed Both SER and Asterisk to find a solution for certain clients.
VOIP IP Telephony is very much more than what you see in the press. I have Academic, and corporate deployments that you will not read about in the press. Some of the deployments I have hit the ceiling on most of the OSS software but was able to overcome by using other OSS solutions like clustering to solve my problems. Although I like to code, due to the nature of my work and academia, I spend more time in design and deployment. So I let the others do the coding. That is why I rely on SER, Asterisk and the likes so much. One thing is for sure. Unless client insists, all my designs are OSS based. And it stand close to 90% OSS now.
But as time went by, things started to change at SER. New and better management, a new and certainly better IPTEL.ORG site and has come a long way. I do still work on SER and I did write about New SER.

All this said, SER is still a better solution than OpenSER. But for that information, please wait for the Soon to be written "Technical Diffrences between SER and OpenSER"

Links; as they were published on my site;
VOIP IP Telephony: What's new in SER 0.10.x ? A lot and...

VOIP IP Telephony: SER gets a new home, Migrating to Drupal.

VOIP IP Telephony: SIP Express Media Server, SEMS, design documentation released by IPTEL.ORG

The article relating to SER vs OpenSER
VOIP IP Telephony: Ser VS OpenSER, There is no real comparison!

OpenSER Site


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