Tuesday, December 19, 2006

One last beta before the final Asterisk 1.4 release

Asterisk has released information about a new release of Zaptel 1.2.12 and Asterisk 1.2.14 together with Zaptel 1.4.0-beta3 and Asterisk 1.4.0-beta4.
According to the Asterisk Development Team, This will very likely be the last beta release of Asterisk 1.4 before the final release, which is targeted for next Friday.

Also please check Asterisknow for Asterisknow versions of the above. Links at the end.

Here is the complete news release;

Zaptel 1.2.12 Released

The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Zaptel 1.2.12.

This release contains a number of updates:

* compatibility with Linux kernel 2.6.19
* bug fixes to the Xorcom Astribank driver (XPP)
* various other bug fixes

Thanks for supporting Asterisk and Zaptel!

Asterisk 1.2.14 Released

The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Asterisk 1.2.14.

This release contains a number of updates:

* a bug fix for the ExternalIVR application and addition of 'silence' sound files to support it
* various SIP interoperability improvements
* memory and dialog leaks in the SIP channel driver
* a fix to music-on-hold random mode that was not really random
* an improvement to app_voicemail to ensure that the message duration is properly included in email notifications when voicemail messages are forwarded
* corrected a segfault issue during reload of the PostgreSQL CDR driver
* a change to no longer include a header file that does not exist on Linux kernel 2.6.18 (and caused a problem on Fedora Core 6)
* many other bug fixes

Thanks for supporting Asterisk and Zaptel!

Zaptel 1.4.0-beta3 Released

The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Zaptel 1.4.0-beta3.

This release contains a number of updates:

* compatibility with Linux kernel 2.6.19
* bug fixes to the Xorcom Astribank driver (XPP)
* support for Digium's TE110P Rev C, VPMOCT064 and new revisions of the S110M and S400M FXS modules
* various other bug fixes

Thanks for supporting Asterisk and Zaptel!

Asterisk 1.4.0-beta4 Released

The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Asterisk 1.4.0-beta4.

This release contains a number of updates:

* a bug fix for the ExternalIVR application and addition of 'silence' sound files to support it
* various SIP interoperability improvements
* memory and dialog leaks in the SIP channel driver
* a fix to music-on-hold random mode that was not really random
* an improvement to app_voicemail to ensure that the message duration is properly included in email notifications when voicemail messages are forwarded
* corrected a segfault issue during reload of the PostgreSQL CDR driver
* a change to no longer include a header file that does not exist on Linux kernel 2.6.18 (and caused a problem on Fedora Core 6)
* logging of dynamic queue member addition and removal in queue_log
* a minor redesign of many CLI commands to be more similar to previous Asterisk releases
* significant improvements to IMAP storage support for voicemail
* a change to the SIP channel to avoid offering formats (codecs) that cannot be transcoded due to lack of available transcoders (along with dynamic activation/deactivation of transcoders)
* support for G.722 16KHz (wideband) audio passthrough, recording and playback
* support for standard prompts in G.722 format
* many other bug fixes

Some of the changes in this release are behavior modifications from the last release; please review the UPGRADE.txt file.

This will very likely be the last beta release of Asterisk 1.4 before the final release, which is targeted for next Friday.

Thanks for supporting Asterisk and Zaptel!

Asterisk IP PBX And Zaptel



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