Friday, January 04, 2019

Scammers Are Spoofing Apple's 1(800) MYAPPLE And Calling People?
Jody Westby said earlier today that she received an automated call on her iPhone warning that multiple servers containing Apple user IDs had been compromised. The same phishers had called her at 4:34 p.m. on the previous day, but she didn’t answer that call. The message said she needed to call a 1-866 number before doing anything else with her phone. Jody Westby is the CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC.
On my iPhone, I too have the same info for the Apple contact and I did not get a call from scammers. This means that the scammers are spoofing Apple's number. 

Once the information was out, KrebsOnSecurity, one of our favorite security news site, called the number that the scam message asked Westby to contact (866-277-7794).
An automated system answered and said I’d reached Apple Support, and that my expected wait time was about one minute and 30 seconds. About a minute later, a man with an Indian accent answered and inquired as to the reason for my call.
Playing the part of someone who had received the scam call, I told him I’d been alerted about a breach at Apple and that I needed to call this number. After asking me to hold for a brief moment, our call was disconnected.

What is alarming is that call in so convincing, iPhone is lumping these calls with actual Apple calls. Apple is yet to inform the public of this phishing even though they are aware of the issue. So look twice or thrice before acting on any call.


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