Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cedarville College Implements sipXecs Open Communications With eZuce.

Cedarville College Implements #sipXecs Open Communications With eZuce.
Cedarville College, a 3200 students home in Ohio has implemented sipXecs Open Communications to provide Unified Communications experience within the campus environment.
In addition to providing faculty, students, administrative and support staff multiple ways of interaction, the college will also serve in the sipXecs Policy Committee and sipXecs Technical Committee providing valuable input regarding education market for the eZuce products, through the SIPfoundry Higher Education Program .

"Our campus selected sipXecs because we wanted to invest in a product that allowed us to save money while facilitating collaboration with our peers. We are confident that this program will enhance our ability to communicate and is well suited to meet the learning, research and academic needs of our university and others. We are especially pleased to be involved in a project with significant user-community involvement." said David Rotman, Associate VP for Technology CIO, Cedarville College regarding the project and the involvement.
At the completion of the project, the campus would have it's Nortel Meridian - 81C PBX replaced with sipXecs supporting more than 1200 nodes.


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