Thursday, January 04, 2007

GigaOM wants your home phone, for internet services

Allan Leinwand of GigaOM fame has an interesting post about more interesting idea. He wants to bring internet to your home phone, your wireless handset as you roam around your home.
Imagine checking price of medium pizza in your neighborhood and placing an order without having to touch that big old yellow pages. Well that is a part of his idea. You can read the full length article at the link given below.
I only worry about mixing up my mobile phone and wireless home phone. If the technology provides Allan's solution, both phones will be similar in appearance and will be doing similar work. I might switch the phones and have the home phone in my pocket when I go out.
Ok here is my idea, give me another Dual Phone, not the kind we know as dual phone so far. I want a mobile phone, that turns in to a wireless extension to my home phone when I come home!

Allan's article on GigaOM
Dual phone with yahoo inside


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