Saturday, January 13, 2007

The "virgin aura" from Skype is gone... But it is skype users who are nailed.

Please replace "nailed" with appropriate word.
I was revealed to the fact that Skype has become Skype Bell. Even though Skype told us earlier that it will not become another telephone company, it has just started doing so! Thomas over at Telecom's Tsunami lead me to the facts stated below. You will also find the link to his original post at links.
".. this evening Skype announced the one of the oldest tricks in the 150 year old Telco "how-to suck more money from your existing subscriber base" manual by announcing for every SkypeOut call made, they will charge a $0.039 per call "connection fee"."

If 5% of Skype's calls are Skypeout calls, and assuming 1.5 Billion calls per year is made through Skype, this old Telecomm schools trick of charging a connection will add about $3 millions to Skype pockets.
But this might work well with investors. And it is of course not so good for the skype users.

Telecom's Tsunami: Skype 2007: The "virgin aura" is gone...


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