AT&T 3G MicroCell Coming At The End Of 2009!
AT&T 3G MicroCell
Since we reported about the AT&T's debut into femtocell market, the original page where the above logo came from has been locked away. If you are wondering what this femtocell and microcell is read, AT&T 3G MicroCell Out But Where?
According to unstrung, AT&T's executive director for radio access network delivery, Gordon Mansfield at the Femtocells World Summit in London has confirmed that about 200 users are testing the femto service in targeted customer trials.I am sure those are happy as rabbits with their bars on cell phones multiplying and staying top. Unstrung also mentioned that the device is, as we thought it was femtocell device is supposed to have been made by Cisco.
Mr.Mansfield has also mentioned, "we will expand that into a marketing trial of the AT&T-branded 3G Microcell, which will be open to customers through our AT&T stores… in a handful of cities.
"We're on track for a full national launch by the end of 2009."
Mansfield also confirmed that AT&T will launch with a standalone 3G femtocell, (as opposed to a femtocell that's integrated into a residential gateway). But integrated femtocells are not out of the picture either, "Certainly we're looking at integrated femtocells," said Mansfield "Some people think that integration is putting a femto into a residential gateway, and that's one aspect."
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