Sunday, May 04, 2008

Are You Ready For IPv6("Internet Protocol Version 6")?

I am! I have been on a IPv6 over IPv4 connection for almost 8 years at home and a pure IPv6 address' and connection at work, from the institution I work for due to research work I do. Things were not easy yet due to my indulgence I have mastered the beast somewhat, with the aid of countless others on Internet2!
But one way or the other, it is going to come your way soon and you will have to deal with it. You will not see an IP address as you used to see for years. It is very different from what you are familiar now with IPv4 classes and subnets. So Some learning is needed and you can find more information from organizations like IPv6.ORG, or from some of the following sites listed here. The IPv6 Forum also has more regional information as well.
But the reason for me to write this is that TMC has arranged a webinar on May 20 for an educational presentation and explore how IPv6 affects your VoIP business. TMC will team up with experts from Ontario, Canada-based MERA Systems.

Presenters Oleg Goryunov and Vitaly Potapov, MERA’s chief marketing officer and seniors sales manager, respectively, and Erik Linask, group managing editor at TMCnet, will discuss the most pressing issues of IPv6 transition. Listeners will explore the most pressing issues of IPv6 transition, including how to: ensure carrier-grade quality, address voice delivery across firewall and network address translation, prevent denial of service attacks and enable 4-to-6 interoperability.
So Join the webinar but you need to register first. With all I know, I have registered because, you always can learn something new.


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