Saturday, February 02, 2008

Wireless Auction Bids Reach $18.55 Billion

The FCC's Wireless Spectrum auction so far has gathered a sum of 18.55 Billion up to yesterday. This is up from $15.64 at the close of Thursday. Following is the Reuters report.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bidding reached $18.55 billion on Friday in the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's record-setting auction of government-owned wireless airwaves, but there were no new offers for two large, closely watched slices of spectrum.

The total bidding, which covers five separate blocks of spectrum in the auction, was up from $15.64 billion on Thursday.

There were no new bids on a major slice of the airwaves, known as the "C" block, which will have to be made accessible using any device or software application, under FCC rules. A bid of $4.71 billion, made on Thursday morning remained the top offer.

Nor were there any new bids Friday on a nationwide piece of the spectrum, known as the "D" block, which must be shared with public safety agencies under auction rules set by the agency. A bid of $472 million from last week still stood.

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