Sunday, July 15, 2007

Survey: OpenSER Admin Course at VoN Italy

Survey: OpenSER Admin Course at VoN Italy, September 26, 2007
The OpenSER course will be a one day course and it will be hosted by the VoN Italy in Milan, on 26 September, from 9:30 to 18:00 hours. The package includes breakfast and lunch at the training location and the cost is estimated to be not more than 400 Euro per person. The course is aimed at OpenSER admins who are looking to enhance their knowledge, in configuring different OpenSER features or services via interactive sessions.

The event is organized in collaboration with Pulvermedia and they are assessing the attendees so they can provide the best care to all!
The site says the dead line for the survey is 8th but does not say which month. In either case get in touch with for any details/questions.


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