Monday, June 25, 2007

Love Jajah and smash your head..set!

Jajah has a new campaign that goes to lengths to prove that you do not have be tethered to a headphone, microphone (Head set) to use VoIP.
JAJAH (Which I have written about earlier here and here and here ) is a free or low cost global calling service with your regular phone. There is no headset, no download, no software and no broadband connection needed. You are using your existing phone (landline or mobile) and so is the person you are calling. You can call your friends for free, no matter if they are online or not.
Their confidence is visible at, a site broughtup to demonstrate that you could make VoIP calls without a headset.
But the fun starts here, Since users have no use for headsets, Jajah through it's noheadset site asking users to submit a video clip or a photograph of how they destroy the headset. There is already a large collection and perhaps you want to your as well. I have been pretty happy with their service.
Jajah Blog article anouncing
The video collection on Youtube
Photos on Flickr


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