Wednesday, May 18, 2011

IOIO=Android Based Cellular Printer Makes Graffiti Out Of Your SMS, Twitter And Other Messages.

IOIO=Android Based Cellular Printer

If you did not have enough with sharing your thoughts and feelings on the likes of Twitter or via SMS, now you can let the general public also know by printing / painting them on walls, with the help of IOIO=Android Based Cellular Printer. Hope the graffiti police won't get you.

The device, like those pin printers we used to see in labs, is a manually held device using seven markers to print digital messages on any flat surface like a wall. Seven individually controlled servo motors move the markers up and down, drawing dots and dashes all the while compensating for speed you are moving the printer over a surface..
I an sure if I want that but there might be people who would like it like Liat Segal, the inventor. I certainly would like to have an IOIO board;

The IOIO (pronounced "yo-yo") is a board specially designed to work with your Android device (OS versions 1.5 and greater). The board provides extensive and robust connectivity to an Android device via a USB connection. The IOIO is fully controllable from within an Android application, using a simple and intuitive Java API - no embedded programming or external programmer will ever be needed, even for firmware upgrades!
Liat Segal, the inventor


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