Thursday, October 07, 2010

“IP Man and Metoo Stop the Resonance Virus, with the Help of Ingate’s SIParator,Ingate’s SIParator,”

#Broadvox Resonance Virus #IPman #Metoo
Commorating the opening of the IT EXPO, Broadvox launched another video from their IP Man adventure video. Broadvox allso brought up a new website at
Echo, the villain, who continues to harass  of IP communications, managed to get a virus into the IP PBX. The virus, Her Resonance Virus,  will infiltrate the system and turn their SIP phones into fragmentation bombs. So IP Man and the infamous MeToo will hit Northern California, Read the comic strip and find out who they are plugging in this time! Does Ingate’s SIParator, means anything to you?
Comic strip is at


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