Friday, February 01, 2019

Apple Pets Google and Facebook Heads and Restores Private Apps, They May Have Begged or Been Real Good.

Last evening, Apple gave back Google’s access to their own internal iOS apps, meaning restoring the iOS certificate. A little while ago, Apple made a similar move with Facebook’s iOS Certificate, allowing private iPhone apps that company to operate.
"We can confirm our internal corporate apps have been restored," Anaik von der Weid, a Google spokeswoman, told Ars just after 8pm Pacific Time.

Google’s iOS certificate revocation, for less than a day, halted operation of  private apps that aided  managing various internal business such as company shuttles, food menus, as well as pre-release beta testing, and more.

Apple  punished both Apple and Google for overstepping privacy boundaries, after it was revealed that those companies' "research apps" had been distributed beyond what had been authorized.
One way the other, both companies learned the perils of relying on Apple to do their business.

Apple Pets Google and Facebook Heads and Restores Private Apps, They May Have Begged or Been Real Good.


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